Hey Grand Valley businesses - let's rally around our community health! 
  • $2,534


  • $150,000


  • 5


  • 102

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Debe Colby

    $511.50 / 9 days ago

  • Mark Austin

    $511.50 / 11 days ago

  • Suzanne Hoest

    $500.00 / 13 days ago

  • Jessica Barton

    $511.50 / 15 days ago

  • DD Love

    $500.00 / 15 days ago

    You never know who in the neighborhood is struggling to feed themselves. This is a beautiful idea. What a great opportunity for all of us to both give back and be immersed in community.

About Business Donors

We need 300 businesses to donate $500 to reach our goal! Best part? Your first lunch is on us!!

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